For those of you in the NYC area, I can recommend “Faking It: Manipulated Photography Before Photoshop” at The Metropolitan Museum of Art. The exhibit is comprised of approximately 200 photographs from the 1840’s through the 1990’s that have been manipulated in some manner. It’s quite an extensive exhibit running through several exhibit rooms. There is also a separate smaller exhibit of images manipulated during the digital age which can be found directly across from the entrance to the main exhibit. More information can be found by clicking HERE.
For those of you that can’t make the Exhibit, there is a free App that can be found by clicking HERE called “Faking it” by The Metropolitan Museum of Art that presents some of the images from the exhibit.
The Museum has also published an extensive book containing the images from the exhibit and the history behind them entitled “Faking It: Manipulated Photography Before Photoshop” and that can be found by clicking HERE.